Medical Flowmeter
flow measuring system for oxygen, compressed air and other medical gases
Greggersen Flow Meters provide a reliable and durable flow measuring system for oxygen, compressed air and other medical gases in accordance with DIN EN 13220.
In conjunction with humidifier or nebulizer units they are used for oxygen insufflation and inhalation. The instruments are available as connector units for directly connecting up to the terminal unit or as rail units.
With the Kolibri compact flow meter the measurement of flow is performed using a retaining plate. The flow can be adjusted in ten flow steps. The reading is indicated through a window. Kolibris are available in many versions with different flow ranges.
The tube flow meter is infinitely adjustable and is used for fine control of gas flow for insufflation and inhalation. The reading is indicated with a ball.
The accessory include a humidifier unit for moistening oxygen and compressed air, for example, and a nebulizer unit for aerosol therapy. Other devices such as the preset Präziflow flow meter and complete insufflation and inhalation units serve to round off our wide range of products.
AGA,BS, NF and UNI standards are also available.
If you have any enquiries we will naturally be pleased to assist.