Pressure reducer panel tank supply
The main supply tank (cryogenic liquid gas system), as the third source, is permanently connected to the central gas supply system.
- Pressure monitoring of the vaporiser
- Main shut-off valve at the inlet to separate the tank supply from the network
- Safety valve and manometer for mains system pressure display
- Emergency feed point (NIST)
- Fully fitted on a mounting plate
- Technical data
Dimensions (single): 575 x 260 x 200 mm (WxHxD) Dimensions (double): 880 x 500 x 200 mm (WxHxD) Inlet pressure max.: 16 bar Outlet pressure: 100-800 kPa (500 kPa standard) Throughput (single): 150 m³/h Throughput (double): 300 m³/h Weight (single): 20 kg Weight (double): 30 kg Inlet: G ¾ “ Outlet: ½“ on copper pipe Ø 22 mm - Pressure reducer panel
Single - reducer panel for tank supply, with sensor 327.800 Double - reducer panel for tank supply, with sensor 505.359
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