Central Gas Supply Systems
Reliable supply of medical gases
Patients in hospitals and medical centres are dependent on a reliable, uninterrupted supply of medical gases.
Modern concepts are based on the centralisation of gas supplies. Oxygen, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide are normally provided in cylinders or liquid tanks whilst compressed air and vacuums are created locally using compressors and pumps. Greggersen systems are innovative, ensure a smooth procedure and are quick and easy to service. Our systems and all their components conform to the latest European directives.
For Hospital turnkey projects, Greggersen shall supply compressors and Vacuum pumps of BOGE and BUSCH VACUUM SOLUTIONS respectively.
Switchover systems reduce the flange-end high pressure, monitor all supply sources and parameters electronically and ensure that the supply is switched over automatically when it is depleted. All components are duplicated, thus achieving a maximum level of protection against failure.
Valve boxes subdivide the distribution system into individual areas, which can be monitored and switched off separately from one another. The integrated pressure monitor keeping an eye on system pressure reports faults with visual and audible alarms.
Terminal units make the relevant gas available in the patient's vicinity. Depending on the configuration they are integrated either into the wall, a rail system or a ceiling supply unit.
Ceiling supply units for anaesthesia, surgery and intensive care. These flexible systems, which can be expanded without any problems, provide solutions for all possible kinds of application in a very wide range of space situations.